All Information And Reports Including Compliance Reports Filed By The Company : 2022-2023

Annual Report.pdf

Board Meeting_Prior Intimation.pdf

Disclosure Chapter IV.pdf

Disclosure for specification related to ISIN.pdf

Disclosure Large Corporate 31032022.pdf

Disclosure Regulation 7(3) 31032022.pdf

Disclosure Regulation 54.pdf

Disclosure under Regulation 13 31032022.pdf

Disclosure use of issue proceeds_30062022.pdf

Intim 51(1)(2)_25112022.pdf

Intimation 50(1).pdf

Intimation 52(7)_06052022.pdf



Intimation_05082022 (2).pdf


Intimation_AGM Proceedings.pdf

Intimation_BM_Nov 11, 2022.pdf

Intimation_CreditRating _04082022.pdf

Intimation-Regulation 6 & 7.pdf


Outcome_Feb 10.pdf

Reg 6 & 7_04102022.pdf

Reg 13_04102022.pdf

Reg 50(1)_01112022.pdf

Reg 50(1)_09112022.pdf

Reg 51 (1)(2)_.pdf

Reg 51_12102022.pdf

Reg 57_21102022.pdf

Reg 57(1)_28092022.pdf

Reg 57(5)_03102022.pdf

Regulation 6&7_04012023.pdf

Regulation 40(9)_27042022.pdf

Regulation 51_17112022.pdf

Regulation 52(7)_13022023.pdf

Regulation 57(1)_29.03.2023.pdf

Regulation 57(4)_19122022.pdf

Regulation 57(4)_21062022.pdf

Regulation 60_02032023.pdf

SDD Compliance Certificate_30062022.pdf

SDDComplianceCerti ficate_30092022.pdf
